
We understand the Samoan Language and we know the appopriate form of Samoan Language to communicate your message effectively to the Samoan people.

95% of all commercials aired on Radio Samoa are produced by our in-house creative production team.
Our professional and creative production team will write, translate and produce commercials to your brief.

Whats include on Our Production
• Professional, customised script in Samoan Language
• One professional voice
• One music tract or sound effect
• Engineering, editing and post production service

The creative script is written for your business.
We start the process by working with you through:
• Your account manager who will discuss with you what information you would like delivered to the Samoan audience.
• The creative/production team will receive an advertising worksheet brief from your Account Manager.
• This brief is then given to one of our experienced “on station” Creative Writers who writes and then produces your
commercial subject to your approval

The 15-Second Radio Spot is a concise commercial delivering a sharp memorable message that can be deliberately placed at strategic times during Ad breaks or as a sponsorship throughout the day, for example to the news, weather or traffic reports.

BENEFITS Ideal for highlighting one/two major sales specials. Ideal for name brand recognition when placed at multiple strategic times, reinforcing your company brand name and services.

STRENGTHS Punchy duration, intriguing, Cost-effective

What to include – minimum: Company Name x 1 One Call to Action detail (Phone or Address) x 1

The 30-Second Radio Spot is a powerful vehicle to deliver your Core advertising message in a bite-sized length. It is the most commonly used standard radio spot duration in the industry.

BENEFITS In a 30 seconds spot, you can comfortably mention the company name twice, (ideally near the beginning and at the end). A clear offer of services or products at the centre and a call to action point of contact (website, phone, address) mentioned twice. A well constructed clear and simple 30-second Radio spot is often the most effective ad.

STRENGTHS Powerful Impact, Versatile, Memorable

What to include – minimum: Company Name/Brand x 2 Unique Selling Points x 2 (or 3 Maximum) Two Call to Action details (Phone &/or Address, Web) x 1

A 45 second Radio advert has all the benefits of the 30 Second Radio Ad plus the extra 15 seconds to sweeten the sales message or include that vital extra detail about your services and products. In 45 Seconds you can also re-emphasize your Name/Brand or hammer home an enticing call to action.

BENEFITS Ideal for establishing new businesses in the market ideal for highlighting multiple sales specials, services or locations.

STRENGTHS Punchy duration, intriguing, Cost-effective

What to include – minimum: Company Name/Brand x 2-3 Unique Selling Points x 3 (or 4 Maximum) Two Call to Action details (Phone &/or Address, Web) x 2

The 60-Second Radio advert is the Optimal Spot to convey a thoroughly convincing sales message as it offers enough time to engage the listener in a conversation. You can pace and lead, and take the time to show the target audience the benefits of your Company’s services and products.

BENEFITS The 60-Second Radio Spot is recognised in the industry as inclined to have the highest impact per Commercial. In 60 seconds you can take the time to differentiate what your company can offer from what your competitors do. You also have the greatest creative options such as the ability to weave a well-designed sales message into entertainment or comedy.

STRENGTHS Engaging, Maximum Creativity, Wide-ranging

What to include – minimum: Company Name/Brand x 3 Unique Selling Points x 4 (or 5 Maximum) Two or Three Call to Action details (Phone &/or Address, Web) x 3

A Phone Out is a LIVE 3 Minute Radio Advert delivered through a Phone Conversation between an Announcer and a Client, advertising and promoting products and services.

BENEFITS The extra power of the Phone Outs is that you are partnering with the Radio Announcer to Sell Your Business!

STRENGTHS Personal, Immediate, Conversational


Plan Your Advertising Campaign and Book Well in Advance It is strongly advisable that all phone outs be booked no less than a month before the On Air date, due to demand and limited space in the Radio Samoa scheduling.

Be prepared Once you have booked your Phone Out, in order to maximise the impact of your 3 Minute Phone Out, you need to plan out exactly what you will say in this limited time. It is essential that you have a clear idea of what specific information you would like the Radio Samoa audience and potential clients to remember in order to take action and bring you business. It is advisable that you should write a script of the whole 3 minute conversation or at least write down bullet points of the main components to include.

Samoan Acknowledgements It is not advisable to acknowledge and greet the Samoan Community in its formal customary and oratory traditions. These take up a lot of airtime and will need to cut it out for the sake of time and the need to focus on the business promotions

A Phone Out is a LIVE 5 Minute Radio Advert delivered through a Phone Conversation between an Announcer and a Client, advertising and promoting products and services.

BENEFITS The extra power of the Phone Outs is that you are partnering with the Radio Announcer to Sell Your Business!

STRENGTHS Personal, Immediate, Conversational


Plan Your Advertising Campaign and Book Well in Advance It is strongly advisable that all phone outs be booked no less than a month before the On Air date, due to demand and limited space in the Radio Samoa scheduling.

Be prepared Once you have booked your Phone Out, in order to maximise the impact of your 5 Minute Phone Out, you need to plan out exactly what you will say in this limited time. It is essential that you have a clear idea of what specific information you would like the Radio Samoa audience and potential clients to remember in order to take action and bring you business. It is advisable that you should write a script of the whole 5 minute conversation or at least write down bullet points of the main components to include.

Samoan Acknowledgements It is not advisable to acknowledge and greet the Samoan Community in its formal customary and oratory traditions. These take up a lot of airtime and will need to cut it out for the sake of time and the need to focus on the business promotions

This is a 30 second Radio Advert script which is read out live but with the added point of difference by having an Announcer or Radio Personality’s voice as an endorsement.


This script are no more than 8 lines at 12pt font on regular margin sheet – All ads not permitted to promote or mention third party sponsors or business

Radio Samoa offers two options for booked Radio Interviews for Business Promotions. 10 minutes or 20 minutes

Clients need to provide and create a portfolio of the product description and a company or personal bio for the Radio Samoa interviewer.
Please provide a typed out copy or list to:
• Describe what you will talk about, topics to discuss, and a bit of background information in your bio.
• Make sure to have in your list your contact details, and any other information that might be helpful in promoting your product or business

Radio Samoa offers two options for booked Radio Interviews for Business Promotions. 10 minutes or 20 minutes using Zoom.


  • Clients need to provide and create a portfolio of the product description and a company or personal bio for the Radio Samoa interviewer.
    Please provide a typed out copy or list to:
  • Describe what you will talk about, topics to discuss, and a bit of background information in your bio.
  • Make sure to have in your list your contact details, and any other information that might be helpful in promoting your product or business
  • Before your interview, it’s a good idea to test your outfit on camera. This will give you a chance to see how you look and make any necessary adjustments.


Ad is an abbreviation for advertisement. Usually, it’s a recorded piece of audio to promote a business or event.

Ad-lib or improvisation refers to spontaneous speech that hasn’t been prepared.

Radio term for on-air talent, radio personality, presenter, host, jock or DJ.

A group of consecutive time periods. Block programming is the scheduling of programs with similar audience appeal. A news block is a segment devoted to news.

A programming segment of a broadcast schedule, such as morning, afternoon and primetime for television. Dayparting is the scheduling of programs at specific parts of the day, targeted to specific audiences that are predominant during those times.

Lower third
A lower third is a combination of text and graphical elements placed in the lower area of the television screen to give the audience more information.

Short for promotion. The preliminary advertisement or announcement of a TV programme, broadcast in day or days leading up to the programme being broadcast.

The location of a program or commercial on a broadcast schedule.

A broadcast advertiser who pays to have their commercial content inserted between the end-of-programme-part caption and the break-bumper i.e. played at the beginning and/or end of each part of a particular programme. Sponsorships can also run over entire day parts or programming blocks.

A commercial or commercials run in the middle of or between programs, sold separately from the program.

A transmission of an event, either live or recorded, over the Internet. A webcast extends the audience from potential TV and radio news consumers to a targeted audience at their PCs.

Zoom interview tips

5 tips to help you look your best on a webcam

Eye Contact
It’s important to keep good eye contact with the camera.

Eye Level
The camera in your laptop lid, phone or tablet is perfectly placed — to look up your nose.

Keep the background free from as many distractions as much possible, and keep it simple.

The light bathing your face from a device screen is usually a shade of blue that makes you look like a cadaver or zombie.
Keep the lighting even and plentiful. When you can, try to set up your office space opposite to a light source such as a window or lamp.

Professional Appearance
Wear professional clothes.  Do your hair and makeup like you normally would for a day at work in the office.
Solid, neutral colors such as black, navy blue, or gray are a safe bet for virtual interviews. Avoid bright or distracting patterns that can be overwhelming on camera.

Tips with Smartphone

Make sure to use landscape orientation and not portrait orientation while recording.
Not only does landscape make your video seem more aesthetically pleasing in general, it’ll also make it more enjoyable to watch when viewed on a widescreen or television.

There’s something else you should keep in mind when thinking about lighting in general: avoiding bright backlit-settings.

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